Monday, September 3, 2012

Twas the night before school starts....

OMFG!!!  I can't believe that my babies are so grown up!  I have been through soooooooooo much new Momma stuff in this last month of summer that I think that I may just crawl into a hole and DIE!!  I have signed my first born up for high school, got him a work permit, for his new job and am desperately trying to LET GO!!  My 'baby', I have signed up for middle school, Cross Country and desperately trying to figure out where the money for the braces will come from!!  All of this is hard, but all part, so I've heard, of being a parent....I'm not so sure that I am ready for this stage however....oh well, maybe I will call into work in the morning and stay home to drown my sorrows....wish me luck!